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Types of earphones for mobile phones

Types of earphones for mobile phones

If you are an audiophile, the last pair of earphones you would accept are the free ones that come bundled with your smartphone. A good pair of earphones can really enhance that workout at the gym or enliven the commute with every sigh and gun shot on Netflix right in your ears.
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The best covers for your Samsung Galaxy S7 phone

The best covers for your Samsung Galaxy S7 phone

Smartphones are expensive and difficult to handle. Careless handling can cost you big. It is a wiser decision to get some safety for your expensive gadgets with protective glass and phone covers. Talking about cell phone covers, with various designs, patterns and features, this has become more of a style statement in addition to the safety they provide.
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A quick guide to buying Bluetooth wireless headphones

A quick guide to buying Bluetooth wireless headphones

Bluetooth wireless technology has become extremely popular with the wonderful ease of portability and ease of use these days. If you are planning to invest in a new Bluetooth headset that will serve your purpose, given below are some simple guidelines that will help you ensure that you are purchasing a good set worth the price and commendable in quality too.
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How Bluetooth wireless headphones can benefit you

How Bluetooth wireless headphones can benefit you

Regardless of whether we are on the move or at home, majority of us spend quite considerable amount of time using headphones to listen to music. While most people settle for the ear buds that come along with iPods, there are some who want to invest in a good headphone that will provide excellent sound quality and noise cancellation too.
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How to choose a phone cover for your LG phone

How to choose a phone cover for your LG phone

Your smartphone is your best friend and you wouldn’t want it to be subjected to any harm. It helps you by keeping tabs on your daily schedule or by storing your precious memories. There’s no harm in personifying an inanimate object like your smartphone, because it is as good as any human can get.
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LG cell phone covers that spell “safety”

LG cell phone covers that spell “safety”

Your smartphone is something you can never live without. If you are the owner of one of the latest mobile phones, say an LG phone, then you have an added responsibility of taking utmost care of it. Since your LG phone is so precious, imagine how appalling it would be if there’s a nasty crack on the back of your phone!
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Beats headphones: All you need to know

Beats headphones: All you need to know

Headphones have had a long history of evolution into unimaginable quality, comforts, and looks. They are basically a device to convert electric impulses into corresponding sound waves technically called an electro-acoustic transducer. Headphones are designed to send the sound into the listener’s ears. The first headphones were developed for telephone operators in 1881.
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Know your Beats headphones

Know your Beats headphones

Headphones were invented in 1881 for the use of telephone operators. The very first model was merely functional but freed the operator’s hand, which was the main requirement. It would be difficult to believe today that the first models sat on the operator’s shoulders and weighed around 10 lbs. As industries and technologies developed and found way into sound reproduction, improved materials, and miniaturization of components, headphones with improved sound qualities also were realized.
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