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The difference between alzheimer’s and dementia People often confuse the term Alzheimer’s and Dementia and take them as two similar diseases. However, Alzheimer’s and Dementia are entirely different conditions that shouldn’t be mistaken as same. While Dementia refers to a group of symptoms, a syndrome and not a specific disease, Alzheimer’s is a disease that forms a part of dementia.
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Best Dish Tv Packages To Go For – do not use

Best Dish Tv Packages To Go For – do not use

Looking for the best Dish TV packages ? Well, you’ve landed in the right place. There are several great monthly TV packages to choose from. However, the most trending TV packages are offered by DISH Network and DIRECTV. Here is a list of best TV packages to opt for during the fall of 2017:
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Renovating Your House On A Budget – do not use

Renovating Your House On A Budget – do not use

House decoration is a task in itself. The huge responsibility of decorating a house, setting it up, may appear to be one of the simplest things but is actually quite hard to achieve. When a person decorates their house, many things need to be kept in mind. Some may hire professionals to do it for them but as you know, the professionals charge a lot and can be expensive for you and your house if you are on a tight budget.
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Breathe Life Into Your Bank Accounts Through Smart Saving Deals – do not use

Breathe Life Into Your Bank Accounts Through Smart Saving Deals – do not use

Cutting down on monthly expenditures or reusing old things in the house is the smartest way to save money. Considering the present financial scenario, saving money is good, but smart saving is more important for your wallet. Promo codes, deals, and coupons are all different ways through which one can save on daily expenses.
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Everything you need to know about Apple’s latest launch

Everything you need to know about Apple’s latest launch

Everything you need to know about Apple’s latest launch For all tech-freaks, Apple’s annual launch is one of the most awaited events of the year. Prior to this event, several rumors, speculations, and last minute leaks go viral. So, by the time the event actually rolls around, the hype surrounding it has reached its peak.
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Google Pixel 3, 3 XL, Pixel Slate And Home Hub – Fresh Additions To Google’s Arsenal

Google Pixel 3, 3 XL, Pixel Slate And Home Hub – Fresh Additions To Google’s Arsenal

Google Pixel has finally unveiled their latest editions in their arsenal of smartphones—the Google Pixel 3 and Google Pixel 3 XL. They have also jumped back into the tablet arena after a long hiatus (remember Nexus 9 and Pixel C?) by launching their first Chrome OS tablet—the Pixel Slate. So, without further ado, let us take a glance at these new launches and their notable features, technical aspects, and much more.
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Top Five Crucial Aspects of Pet Treatment

Top Five Crucial Aspects of Pet Treatment

American households are used to growing up with pets. It is estimated that, on an average, there is a 10% increase in the number of people adding a pet member to their families. This number is certainly isn’t surprising. If you look at the number of awareness campaigns generated by pet shelters, it certainly triggers empathy among people and the next natural thing to do would be adoption.
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Important things to know before buying a Medigap policy

Important things to know before buying a Medigap policy

Here Are Popular Medicare Plans For Seniors Medicare is a health insurance program which is available for people who are 65 or older, for young people who have some disability, and for those with end-stage renal disease. Different types of Medicare plans cover specific areas. Some of the best Medicare plans for seniors are listed here.
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