Home Remedies To Control Flatulence
Home remedies to control flatulence
Farting shows that the person’s digestive cycle is working fine. It is necessary that the gas has been released by the body because the body cannot keep the gas within itself. If it doesn’t, it can become really uncomfortable and problematic for the person.
It is expected that people may fart between 5 and 15 times a day. Most farts don’t smell and they don’t produce any sound. That’s why the farts go unnoticed. Also, many people may think that they are gassier than others. It may be due to the fact that they’re only aware of their own farts more than anyone.
What to keep in mind when eating meals and snacks?
- It is recommended that you eat your snacks and meals slowly, without any haste.
- The body produces most of the gas due to the food being swallowed.
- Excessive swallowing allows excessive air to enter the body, which causes flatulence.
Should you stop chewing gums to treat flatulence?
- A chewing gum keeps your breath fresh and also helps to avoid snacking. However, it is advisable that you should stop eating any kind of chewing gums.
- People who chew gum continuously have more farts than others. This is because they start to swallow more air in the process.
- Moreover, many chewing gums contain artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol, which lead to flatulence.
Will cutting down on certain types of foods help treat flatulence?
- It should be kept in mind that the types of food that you eat are responsible for your fart production. Therefore, it is necessary that you know what kind of foods produce the farts. In that way, it will be easy for you to cut down specifically on those food products, and thereby reduce flatulence.
- Diet helps in flatulence treatment, so ensure that all the gas-producing foods are out of your everyday eating list.
What foods should you cut down on?
- Eating less of green leafy vegetables, sprouts, cabbages, beans, etc. will help you reduce the production of gas in your body. This is because foods such as these contain complex kinds of sugars that are hard for the body to digest. So, for flatulence treatment, you should cut down on these foods.
- You should also consume less soft drinks, fruit juice, onions, and pears. These foods contain fructose, which is a gas-producing ingredient.
- It is also advisable to cut down on dairy products as they contain lactose, which can create gas build up in the body.
- Eating starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes, and corn should be avoided as they lead to flatulence.
What is the importance of wearing lightly fitted clothes?
- It is extremely necessary that you wear lightly fitted clothes to help your body breathe freely and easily.
- Wearing tight-fitted clothes will obstruct the release of farts, thereby causing flatulence.
Does smoking cause flatulence?
- People who smoke swallow a lot of air than people who do not. Therefore, quitting smoking will help you tackle this issue as well. It will also help in improving other health issues caused by smoking.
- Also, smokers who use e-cigarettes swallow more air. Therefore, to treat flatulence, it will be wise to stop using e-cigarettes as well.