Popular genealogy sites to find ancestry records
Most people have very little information about their late great-grandparents and familial generations. In the past, people curious to know about their lineage did not have many resources to do so. Fortunately, today, genealogy sites and other resources exist to help individuals know their family history accurately. A genealogy site evaluates digitized versions of past records, including census data, birth history, marriage records, city directories, and death records, to track down lineage-based details.
Ancestry records
With over 20 billion records at your disposal with data from 80 countries around the world, you are in good hands to narrow down the search for your family history.
Family Search offers the best value as it is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. However, for the free service, you can only build one family tree per subscription. With just over 5 billion records available at your disposal to build your family tree, it is a cheaper alternative to the premium services offered by Ancestry records. The service does not necessarily have a comprehensive database when it comes to searching historical records. However, you can still view old documents and records. On the downside, the website does not offer DNA kits to further test and provide evidence for a proper genetic match, thus narrowing down the search results. The interface is fun to use and provides multiple tabs and tools on the family tree to identify relationships.
In case you don’t have the time and resources to search extensively to find your ancestry records, MyHeritage provides one of the quickest DNA test results to build your family tree. MyHeritage features more than 9 billion records and uses DNA testing to show you which ethnic groups you and your ancestors belong to across multiple geographic locations. MyHeritage promises the fastest results for testing and provides detailed reports of your family ancestry for a premium. The only drawback of the service is that you must pay for the one-year subscription in advance.